Benzie Conservation District
Preserving and Enhancing the Natural Resources of Benzie County
Recent News!
Sat, September 15th 10 am to 12 pm Join a global movement to keep beaches, waterways and the ocean trash free. Help us clean up Elberta Beach! |
PHOTOS: (clockwise) Tire exposed in Elberta beach's surf; trash collected in spring clean up at Elberta Beach included old bed springs, wood, hundreds of nails, and the regular assortment of junk; volunteer, Val Gerhart, helps grandsons fill out the data sheet, provided by the Alliance for the Great Lakes, recording the trash collected. |
Benzie Waters
Educational Series
Farms Of Benzie
Seedling Sale
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Benzie Conservation District is a tax-exempt organization (ID number 38-6080998). Your gift is deductible from Federal taxes as allowed by law.